

Silly me ! =How silly of me ! 僕ってばかだなぁ

by mistake 誤って

exhaust ~を疲労させる
Feeling exhausted .....は分詞構文で =As I felt exhausted ~

have a break and resume work after lunch 仕事を再開する

blank    空白
pause    中断 , 休止
view     眺め, 視野 , 意見

come up with    ~を思いつく
I can't come up with a good idea .

That's (all) depends . =It (all) depends.  それは場合によりけり

conclusion     結論
We didn't come to a conclusion . 結論に至らなかった

discuss the matter  ~を討論する 
(他動詞なのでabout などの前置詞はつけない)

at that time あの時
I wish I had attended the meeting at that time.
【仮定法過去完了】 あの時、会合に出ていればよかったなぁ

help oneself   ご自由に
Can I have a drink ?
Please help yourself.  自分で取って食べてね
